Welcome to ASHE
Central Florida
We are engineers, construction project managers and coordinators, construction superintendents, lab managers, engineers in training, and students. Be a part of our organization and network with us.
Announcing ASHE Section Awards!
ASHE Central Florida is proud to honor members who have made significant contributions to ASHE and the Central Florida highway … Continue reading →
President’s Farewell Message
It has been a great honor to serve as the President for the ASHE Central Florida Section these past 2 … Continue reading →
Membership and Sponsorship
The American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) Central Florida Board invites you to become a sponsor & member in the … Continue reading →
Click the links below for information regarding our upcoming programs.
ASHE Central Florida provides a forum for members and partners of the highway industry to promote a safe, efficient and sustainable highway system through education, innovation and fellowship. Click here to learn more about joining us.